The Wise Man's Wall- Archive




He is a mistake- legalise abortion Don't hate yourself in the morning, sleep till noon. I was born this way, what's your excuse
 If at first you don't succeed- cheat. Today is the first day of the rest of your life- celebrate now. Those who think they know it all upset us who do. Alimony is paying for something you don't get. An elephant is a mouse made to govt. specifications. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be- it is a thing of the past
Love thy neighbour but don't get caught.             This country is ruined by apathy. -What is apathy? -I don't know and I don't care.
Jesus Saves and Klinsmann scores off the rebound.            Jesus Saves- He is the only one who can afford to.

Death is the greatest kick of all that's why they save it for the last. Since using your shampoo my hair has come alive- Medusa
    We are the people our parents warned us about.
Life is a hereditary disease.                    I think I exist
Even hypochondriacs can get illThe grave of Karl Marx is just another Communist plot.
        Prepare to meet thy God (evening dress optional)        Christmas comes once a year- thank God I'm not Christmas.