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Come right in Darlings, seems like you are ready to chuckle a bit but hey, here's a warning- don't overdo it or mommy (daddy/wifey/hubby/bro/sis/ or whoever) may think that you've flipped your lid. Although I've tried to keep the jokes as clean as possible a few dirty ones might have crawled in. SO YOU ARE WARNED.

Aunt Billie, a stewardess on a local airline, was giving the standard safety briefing to the passengers. She had just finished saying 'In the event of a water landing, your seat cushion may be used as a floatation device,' when a man remarked, "Hey! If the plane can't fly, why should I believe the seat can float?"

A couple was golfing one day on a very, very exclusive golf course, lined with million dollar houses. On the third tee the husband said, "Honey, be very careful when you drive the ball- don't knock out any windows. It'll cost us a fortune to fix."
The wife teed up and shanked it right through the window of the biggest house on the course. The husband cringed and said, "I told you to watch out for the houses! Alright, let's go up there, apologize and see how much this is going to cost."
They walked up, knocked on the door, and heard a voice say, "Come on in."
They opened the door and saw glass all over the floor and a broken bottle lying on its side in the foyer.
A man on the couch said, "Are you the people that broke my window?"
"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that." the husband replied.
"No, actually I want to thank you- I'm a genie that was trapped for a thousand years in that bottle. You've released me. I'm allowed to grant three wishes- I'll give you each one wish, and I'll keep the last one for myself."
"OK, great!" the husband said. " I want a million dollars a year for the rest of my life."
"No problem-it's the least I could do. And you, what do you want?" the genie said, looking at the wife.
"I want a house in every country of the world," she said. "Consider it done." the genie replied.
"And what's your wish, genie?" the husband said. "Well, since I've been trapped in that bottle, I haven't had sex with a woman in a thousand years. My wish is to sleep with your wife."
The husband looks at the wife and said, "Well, we did get a lot of money and all those houses, honey. I guess I don't care." The genie took the wife upstairs and ravished her for two hours. After it was over, the genie rolled over, looked at the wife, and said, "How old is your husband, anyway?"
"35." she replied.
"And he still believes in genies- that's amazing."

At a silver wedding anniversary the husband was standing in one corner looking very sad. What's the matter? Asked his friend. "Well, a week after marriage, I got fed up and wanted to kill my wife, but my lawyer said that I would get 25 years. Now I realise that today I would have been a free man."

During their silver anniversary, a wife reminded her husband: do you remember when you propose to me, I was so overwhelmed that I didn't talk for an hour?" The hubby replied: "yes, honey, that was the happiest hour of my life."

Long ago, when sailing ships ruled the waves, a captain and his crew were in danger of being boarded by a pirate ship. As the crew became frantic, the captain bellowed to his First Mate, "Bring me my red shirt!"
The First Mate quickly retrieved the captain's red shirt, which the captain put on and lead the crew to battle the pirate boarding party. Although some casualties occurred among the crew, the pirates were repelled.
The men sat around on deck that night recounting the day's events when an ensign looked to the Captain and asked, "Sir, why did you call for your red shirt before the battle?"
The Captain, giving the ensign a look that only a captain can give, exhorted, "If I am wounded in battle, the red shirt does not show the blood, and thus you men will continue to fight unafraid."

The men sat in silence, marveling at the courage of such a man. The next morning, the lookout screamed that there were two pirate vessels sending boarding parties. The crew cowered in fear, but the captain, calm as ever, bellowed, "Bring me my red shirt!" Once again, the battle was on, and the Captain and his crew repelled both boarding parties, though this time more casualties occurred.
Later that day, however, the lookout screamed that there were pirate ships, 10 of them, all with boarding parties on their way.
The men became silent and looked to the Captain, their leader, for his usual command. The Captain, calm as ever, bellowed, "Bring me my brown pants!"


An Australian travel writer touring Canada was checking out of the Spokane Hilton and as he paid his bill said to the manager, "By the way, what's with the Indian chief sitting in the lobby. He has been there ever since I arrived?"
"Oh that's Big Chief Forget-me-Not," said the manager.
"The hotel is built on an Indian reservation and part of the agreement is to allow the chief free use of the premises for the rest of his life. He is known as Big Chief Forget-me-Not because of his phenomenal memory. He is 92 and can remember the slightest detail of his life."

The travel writer took this in and as he was waiting for his cab decided to put the chief's memory to the test.
"What did you have for breakfast on your 21st birthday?" said the Aussie. "Eggs," was the instant reply, and indeed the Aussie was impressed. He went off on his travel writing itinerary, right across to the East Coast and on his return to the Spokane Hilton six months later was surprised to see the Indian chief still sitting in the lobby whittling away on a stick.
"How", said the Aussie. (How is a form of greeting among Native American Indians) "Scrambled," said the chief.

Three men died and went to heaven. Upon their arrival, St. Peter asked the first if he had been faithful to his wife. The man admitted to two affairs during his marriage. St. Peter told him he could receive only a compact car to drive in heaven.
Then St. Peter asked the second man if he had been faithful to his wife, and the man admitted to one affair. St. Peter told him he would be given a midsize car to drive. The third man was asked about his faithfulness,

and he told St. Peter he had been true to his wife until the day he died. St. Peter praised him and gave him a luxury car. A week later the three men were driving around, and they all stopped at a red light. The men in the compact and midsize cars turned to see the man in the luxury car crying. They asked him what could possibly be the matter -- after all, he was driving a luxury car.
"I just passed my wife," he told them, "and she was on a skateboard."

A young woman, two months pregnant, went to see her obstetrician.
He was in a hurry to leave on an emergency call, so he asked her to quickly bare her stomach, then reached into his desk and took out a rubber stamp, which he pressed beside her navel. He then rushed off.
At home, she and her husband tried to read the tiny words printed on her belly, but they were too small. They then found a magnifying glass and tried to read the words; the stamp read:
"When your husband can read this without his glasses, it's time to get yourself to the hospital."


Sam was sitting sadly at the deathbed of his business partner, Bernie who met a serious accident.
With his last reserves of strength, Bernie raised his head from the pillow. 'Sam...Sam...'
'Rest, rest, Bernie,' Sam counselled. 'Save your energy.'
'No,' insisted the dying man. 'I can't. I must clear my conscience before I die. I've been a lousy partner, Sam. A lousy partner. It was me who sold the secret formula to Birmbaum; it was me who stole the $100,000 from the safe. It was me who reported to you to the tax inspectors.. It was me!'
'Don't bother yourself, Bernie,' said Sam.
'Don't worry. It was me who tampered with the brakes on your car.'

A man goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot.
The shop owner points to three identical looking parrots on a perch and says: "the parrot on the left costs 500 dollars."
"Why, does the parrot cost so much?" asks the first man.
The owner says, "Well the parrot knows how to use a computer".
The man then asks about the next parrot to be told that this one costs 1,000 dollars because it can do everything the other parrot can do plus it knows how to use the UNIX operating system.
Naturally, the increasingly startled man asks about the third parrot to be told that it costs 2,000 dollars.
Needless to say this begs the question "What can it do?" To which the owner replies
"to be honest I have never seen it do a thing but the other two call him boss!"

A man calls home and the maid answers the phone.
He asks to speak with his wife. The maid says he can't speak with her.
When the man asks why, the maid informs him that his wife is upstairs in the bedroom with her boyfriend and asked not to be disturbed.
The man is furious and he tells the maid to go into his closet, take out his shotgun, and shoot them both.
After several minutes and two shots later, the maid comes back on the phone. The man asked if she killed them both, and the maid replies that she did.
The man tells her to take the two bodies downstairs, into the backyard and then to throw them into the pool.
The maid asks, "What pool?"
And the man says, "Is this 555-5309?"

Two men were having an awfully slow round of golf because the two ladies in front of them managed to get into every sand trap, lake, and rough on the course, and they didn't bother to wave the men on through, which is proper golf etiquette.
After two hours of waiting and waiting, one man said,
"I think I'll walk up there and ask those gals to let us play through."
He walked out the fairway, got halfway to the ladies, stopped, turned around, and came back, explaining,
"I can't do it. One of those women is my wife and the other is my mistress. Maybe you'd better go talk to them."
The second man walked toward the ladies, got halfway there and, just as his partner had done, stopped, turned around and walked back. He smiled sheepishly and said,
"Same here!"

How did you like them folks? If you want really naughty ones send me an e-mail stating your name, age, sex, nationality and state very clearly that you are not offended by dirty jokes.

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